We build IoT companies

development and production in one place, tailored to your needs

Developing IoT technology remote management and big data based systems for good business decisions, full control and cost-effective operation.

Our mission

„We strive to be leading force in modernization of monitoring technology and we would like to change the way how people think about remote monitoring and its services, as well as the way they use them.”

Zoltan Havasi, CEO

More blog posts

Up to date information and data analysis on machines, vehicles and people

A few examples of the areas in which we have developed unique solutions — based on individual needs.

  • Industrial mobile phone development and manufacturing - T-Systems United Kingdom
  • Vehicle diagnostic development - Seacon Europe
  • IoT controlled ozone generator - Ozone White
  • Transformer station monitoring - ELMŰ-ÉMASZ
  • Remote monitoring device - Cubilog
  • Remote monitoring of industrial batteries - MPS Mobile System
  • Indoor object protection - Hungarocontrol

Boxed or custom development,
software and hardware in one hand

You may need real-time status reports as CEO, principal, operator, in various industries, from heavy, light and food industries through agriculture to service sector.

With our boxed, ready-to-use remote monitoring devices, you can comfortably monitor your machines, vehicles and employees and increase your revenue. Receive immediate alerts in case of emergency and intervene immediately to prevent damage.

By developing custom communication tools in any sector, we provide a solution to remotely monitor your services, buildings, vehicles and machines, and employees, get accurate information and reports, and make your operation cost-effective.

What are MOHAnet's systems used for?

People we've worked with


/Autonet KKV.png
/B Angel (KKV alá).jpg
/Balassa Security (KKV alá).jfif
/Body guard logo.png
/IDS kft logo.jpg
/Intrum Justitia (KKV alá).jfif
/Jász plasztik (KKV alá).svg
/Oktel logo.jpg
/Országos távfelügylet logo.png
/PPS hungary KKV.jpg
/Pannon guard logo.png
/Patent csoport logo.jpg
/Rődner (KKV alá).jpg
/SIBA (KKV alá).jfif
/Sector hungary LOGO.png
/Szilléri biztonságtech. logo.jpg
/billerbeck KKV-k alá.jpg
/bizalom_vagyonvedelmi_szolgaltato_zrt logo.jpg
/handlopex_logo_kkv alá.png
/indepackLogo KKV-k alá.png
/ozonewhite logo.png
/valton security logo.jpg

Large Companies

/CRITERION logo.png
/Coop_logo nagyvállalatok alá.png
/ELMU_EMASZ Logo.png
/Grabarics építőipari logo.png
/Hankook logo nagyvállalatok alá.png
/Jánosik logo.png
/SOTE (nagyvállalat alá).png
/T-systems logo.png
/Telenor (nagyvállalat alá).png
/Vígszínház logo nagyvállalatok alá.png
/flex logo_nagyvállalat alá.png
/gyorikeksz nagyvállalat alá.jpg
/hungarocontrol logo.png
/ksh-logo_nagyvállalatok alá.jpg
/lidl-vector-logo nagyvállalatok alá.png
/mobilpetrol (nagyvállalat alá).jpg
/univer-logo_nagyvállalatok alá.png

Social Institutions

/Evangelikus egyhaz logo Onkormanyzatok ala.jpg
/Filadelfia otthon.JPG
/MAZSIHISZ logo_önkormányzatok alá.jpg
/Orgona Református szoc.intézmény (önkormányzatok alá).jfif
/SZikszó Önkorm. logo.png
/mazs_logo_Önkormányzatok alá.jpg
/Újpest szoc.int.logo.png

Reviews of our partners

15 years of MOHAnet in numbers


professional awards


successful projects


unique IoT solutions


IoT devices sold


professional performances


exclusive conferences held


billion event messages transmitted


terabyte of processed telemetry data

150+ physical and virtual servers being operated

Meet us personally

Are you interested in how we can increase your safety and competitiveness with our unique developments?

Enter your contact details and our colleague will contact you in a short time to arrange a personal meeting to assess your needs - and offer a unique solution.



Mohanet cím Hungary - 1152 Budapest, Telek street 7-9.
Mohanet cím +36 (1) 271-1141
Mohanet cím info@mohanet.com
Mohanet cím www.mohanet.hu