Welcome to the MOHAnet website!

Hardware and software solutions for all areas of remote monitoring.

Leading expert in remote monitoring solutions

Complete monitoring, complete peace of mind

MOHAnet Mobilsystems Zrt. has been a leading player in the hardware and software development of GSM-based professional remote monitoring solutions for 18 years.

Through our development activities, we provide efficient and reliable solutions to various industries, enabling real-time, internet-based remote monitoring of alarms, fire detectors, elevators, vehicles, meters, field sensors, emergency call systems, patrol checkers, and other technical equipment. Discover our products and services that can help your business operate more efficiently and securely!

Our Products

GSM-based remote monitoring devices
Fixed and portable devices designed to meet the needs of various industries.

iMACHINE CLASSIC product family

iMACHINE TINY product family

INSTANT product family

PORTABLE product family

Cloud Server:

A cloud-based solution that enables remote monitoring and management.

  • HELIOS CLOUD: the service management server
  • MERCURY CLOUD: remote monitoring receiver server
  • SMART CLOUD application server for autonomous GSM devices

Web Software and Mobile Applications:

Customizable, user-friendly software for efficient remote monitoring.

  • MOHAnet TOOLBOX web software for device configuration
  • MONITORINGBOOK PRO Web-based remote monitoring platform
  • MONITORINGBOOK HOME Mobile application for remote monitoring
  • GSM SOCKET mobile application

People we've worked with


/Autonet KKV.png
/B Angel (KKV alá).jpg
/Balassa Security (KKV alá).jfif
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/IDS kft logo.jpg
/Jász plasztik (KKV alá).svg
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/Országos távfelügylet logo.png
/PPS hungary KKV.jpg
/Pannon guard logo.png
/Patent csoport logo.jpg
/Rődner (KKV alá).jpg
/SIBA (KKV alá).jfif
/Sector hungary LOGO.png
/Szilléri biztonságtech. logo.jpg
/billerbeck KKV-k alá.jpg
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/handlopex_logo_kkv alá.png
/indepackLogo KKV-k alá.png
/valton security logo.jpg

Large Companies

/Grabarics építőipari.png
/T-systems logo.png

Social Institutions

/Evangelikus egyhaz logo Onkormanyzatok ala.jpg
/MAZSIHISZ logo_önkormányzatok alá.jpg
/Pécs és Környéke Szoc. Alapsz. Közp.png
/SZikszó Önkorm. logo.png
/Szatmári Kistérségi.jpg
/mazs_logo_Önkormányzatok alá.jpg

Reviews of our partners


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Meet us personally

Are you interested in how we can increase your safety and competitiveness with our unique developments?

Enter your contact details and our colleague will contact you in a short time to arrange a personal meeting to assess your needs - and offer a unique solution.
