Sustainable Elderly Care - How Technology Provides 24-Hour Safety for Our Elderly Loved Ones
Post Date: 2021. 11. 15
Sustainable Elderly Care - How Technology Provides 24-Hour Safety for Our Elderly Loved Ones
This is How Technology Provides 24-Hour Safety for Our Elderly Loved Ones
Many elderly people in Hungary require continuous supervision because they have difficulty moving and have a reduced memory. Neither family members nor a paid caregiver, nor municipalities or civil organizations, are capable of providing comprehensive 24-hour home supervision – but technology can. This is where the MOHAnet S.O.S. Pager device comes into play.
For those who require 24-hour supervision, the 'simplest' solution would be moving into a nursing home. In reality, however, this is not always feasible, not only because of long waiting lists or the reduced enthusiasm due to the pandemic. Leaving the home environment and moving can also cause significant mental stress for the elderly.
However, having a relative or a caregiver move in with every elderly person in need of supervision who lives alone is not a viable solution either.
An elderly relative, when alone, is exposed to numerous dangers. They might fall, be at risk of hypothermia, or, in case of a carbon monoxide alarm, be unable to seek help because they have difficulty moving or have forgotten where they put their phone.
MOHAnet's 15 years of technological development addresses these challenges. The S.O.S. Pager and its accompanying remote monitoring system ensure that we can be confident our loved ones are safe 24 hours a day.
15 Years of Evolution in Elderly Care
Fifteen years ago, MOHAnet entered a market where remote monitoring technology, which was still in its infancy, was practically not used at all in elderly care.
From the outset, they developed application-specific hardware and software simultaneously, providing both the devices and the interfaces and services that made their operation efficient and convenient.
The result of these developments was the Medcare device, the first IP-based emergency call system on the domestic market. In 2012, the Vario Medcare was launched, which, with the help of Bluetooth communication, could also support suitable medical measuring devices. This device was awarded by Microsoft as the best Azure solution in 32 countries.
The next step was the creation of the Moniphone, specifically developed for elderly care. Apple challenged its trademark in court, but in December 2020, MOHAnet won a final legal victory against the world's largest tech giant.
Finally, in 2021, the S.O.S. Pager device was introduced to their elderly monitoring portfolio. Due to its simplicity, durability, ease of use, and the 24-hour monitoring system behind it, it currently represents the technological pinnacle of elderly care in Hungary and internationally.
Sustainable Security for the Elderly
What makes security sustainable? It becomes sustainable because such a service can be utilized at a relatively low cost, as it is easily scalable.
For individual customers, the relatives of elderly people, this means it costs a fraction of what would be needed to pay for a caregiver, a nurse, or a nursing home.
For municipalities, civil organizations, and church programs involved in elderly care, scalability is a significant advantage. With the remote monitoring system, the Pager can securely manage the supervision of thousands of clients simultaneously, without a proportional increase in the number of caregivers – they can always assist where they are needed most.
But what exactly is the S.O.S. Pager?
A very simple device, deliberately designed to protect the elderly as effectively as possible.
Perhaps the most important aspect is that we are talking about a small, simplified device that can be worn around the neck, clipped to a belt, or even on the wrist in a watch cradle. This means we don't have to worry about the elderly relative putting it somewhere and then forgetting about it, or being unable to reach it if necessary. The emergency call device will literally always be at hand, 24 hours a day. This is further ensured by the fact that the Pager is water-resistant according to the IPX6 standard.
It is designed for maximum simplicity; emergency calls can be initiated instantly by pressing a single large button, which is aided by voice-based, Hungarian-language feedback.
The device is not only capable of sending an alert but can also receive calls and support two-way voice communication. In case of an emergency, supervision and/or relatives, caregivers, and nurses can call the person in distress, obtain precise information, and provide advice until help arrives.
The Pager also has a built-in GPS locator and an accelerometer. The former detects the user's location, while the latter senses falls.
In practice, this means that the device can detect if, for example, the person being cared for leaves the house and is at risk of getting lost. It also triggers an immediate alert if a fall is registered, without the need to make a distress call, which may not be possible for an injured or even unconscious person, even if the device is within reach.
The device is designed for the simplest and most convenient use from a technical standpoint as well. It comes with a charger cable equipped with a magnetic connector, making charging significantly easier than with a traditional mobile phone. It also notifies the dispatch center of any diagnostic status changes, such as low battery or internet connection issues.
Additionally, it can be ordered with a docking charger station equipped with a speakerphone, which can significantly facilitate communication within the home with the person being cared for.
True security: the remote monitoring service
The Pager alone would be insufficient, but it is backed by a complex remote monitoring system. As a private user, anyone can request that notifications be sent to their phone; however, by default, emergency alerts, diagnostics, and everything else are routed to the center operated by the remote monitoring service provider.
The dispatchers working here receive the signals 24 hours a day and can inform the caregivers of the elderly person, whether they are relatives, a civil organization, or municipal personnel.
This constant dispatch service enables the immediate processing of signals in case of emergencies, falls, or even break-ins.
The remote monitoring system, including the embedded software of the S.O.S. Pager, was developed by MOHAnet Zrt., incorporating the latest technologies. The result is a uniquely reliable cloud-based receiver station server and web-based remote monitoring software in the country, supporting the operation of tens of thousands of devices from over 150 providers for more than 15 years.
The remote monitoring system is easily scalable, making it easier for various organizations responsible for elderly care. Thanks to the technology enabling emergency calls, continuous supervision and care can be implemented with much less effort compared to relying solely on human resources.
The S.O.S. Pager and the associated remote monitoring system can be offered by a remote monitoring provider in various operational models to their clients. For private individuals, it is available as a remote monitoring service, while for institutions (such as care centers, church-operated facilities), it can be provided as an application service – by “outsourcing” the remote monitoring system.
The Technology That Provides Security
The S.O.S. Pager and the dispatch service behind it are significant not only because they enable constant monitoring but also because they ensure this for thousands of clients simultaneously.
With a decade and a half of development focusing on simplification, centralization, and transparency, a service has emerged that solves most contemporary dilemmas in elderly care, from human and resource shortages to safeguarding the health of elderly individuals requesting help.
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