PATROL PAGER – The Reliable Security Guard

Zoltán Havasi

Founder of MOHAnet, IoT Expert

Post Date: 2024. 06. 05




Why do security guards need to check in by phone with their employer one hour before starting their shift?


There are several reasons for the phone check-in before starting work:

Security and monitoring: The employer wants to ensure that the scheduled security guards for the day are available and prepared for their duties. Phone check-in allows the employer to monitor the presence of employees and assess any potential absences.

Communication: Checking in provides an opportunity for the employer to share important information about daily tasks, changes, or specific instructions.

Accountability: Through check-in, the employer can verify whether employees have completed the necessary preparations before starting work, such as checking equipment or reviewing briefing information.

Flexible working hours: If employees need to start their shifts at varying times, phone check-in allows the employer to assess employee availability and scheduling.

Detection of irregularities: If security guards fail to check in at the expected time, this could indicate a problem. The employer can take action to arrange substitutes to ensure service continuity and employee safety.

To support these practical reasons, the PATROL PAGER device was developed, which serves as an arrival and presence checker, location identifier, time tracker, activity monitor, and personal alert device. It enhances transparency for security guards' check-ins and activities for employers and provides effective assistance in adhering to security protocols.


Why is PATROL PAGER better than a traditional mobile phone?


Operational Security: PATROL PAGER is a GSM device managed and supervised remotely by a dispatch center. Any change in its status - power on/off, low battery, charging, charging interruption, impact, fall, distress call, RFID reading, Beacon detection, low or high temperature, damage - is instantly displayed as an event notification on the dispatcher's computer. The dispatcher then takes necessary actions based on the event.

Traditional mobile phones rely solely on user diligence and responsibility for operation. This exposes employers to significant risks. If a security guard forgets to charge, turn on, or bring their mobile phone to their duty location, it undermines the employer's ability to maintain contact, track their presence, and ensure oversight, posing serious security risks for security service providers.


Automated Check-in: PATROL PAGER features a built-in RFID reader and 3 function buttons, allowing guards to automate check-ins by pressing a button or touching an identifier like an RFID card or key fob, instead of making a phone call. The generated event notification is promptly transmitted in real-time to the remote monitoring station, logged automatically by the software. Automated check-ins replace traditional phone check-ins and eliminate the overload caused by simultaneous calls, which can impair dispatcher focus and efficiency. There's also the option to outsource dispatch services, potentially involving external remote monitoring providers.

Traditional mobile phones lack the capability for automated check-ins, forcing guards to check in with their employer solely through phone calls, which is time-consuming and cumbersome for both parties.


Anomaly Management: The software for remote monitoring includes interval monitoring rules for automated check-ins. The service manager can pre-define rules, such as specific times when guards must check in (e.g., Joe Smith - every 3rd day between 5:00 AM and 5:15 AM). In case of delay, the monitoring software alerts immediately, and the dispatcher contacts the guard via their PATROL PAGER. All conversations are recorded for quality assurance purposes, allowing for retrospective review in contentious situations. External factors like battery depletion can threaten device operation; if detected, the device notifies both the guard on site and the remote monitoring center. If the guard fails to connect the charger within 5 minutes, the dispatcher is informed, enforcing the start of PATROL PAGER charging, confirmed by an event notification to the remote monitoring.

Operating traditional mobile phones relies solely on user diligence, building cooperation between the employer and the security guard based on strong trust.


Automated Reporting: The monitoring software logs events and, at set intervals, emails reports to relevant parties. These reports detail daily check-ins and times when radio frequency activity and location identifier tags in the building were detected, serving both for verification and performance confirmation.

Operating traditional mobile phones doesn’t allow remote access and logging of diagnostic information; only audio communication can be recorded if the employer has the appropriate technical solution.



Whose activities does the PATROL PAGER device make more efficient?


The PATROL PAGER primarily provides effective assistance to businesses facing significant challenges in ensuring punctual employee attendance, verifying their presence at designated locations, and monitoring their adherence to specified activities.

It is designed for businesses operating across multiple locations, varying in distance from each other, yet requiring service within the same time intervals. These businesses span various sectors including security, cleaning services, and maintenance.


In summary, what problems does the PATROL PAGER device solve?


  • It monitors timely arrival and presence at designated locations. In case of absence or inadequate staffing, immediate alerts are generated in the remote monitoring system for prompt action.

  • It sends real-time reports on employee location, movement, and status within the premises.

  • It supervises timely presence within specified time intervals on the premises. In case of absence, the remote monitoring system triggers alerts prompting necessary actions.

  • It can detect falls or transmit silent panic alerts for lone workers.

  • It individually identifies employees using radio frequency identification (RFID) tags, facilitating timekeeping without the need for expensive access control systems.

  • It transmits current environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity within the supervised area to the remote monitoring center using Bluetooth-based location identifiers (BEACON), along with their identification numbers. Analyzing this data enables immediate assessments, such as confirming if a certain area has been mopped.

  • Data from the device is relayed to a remote monitoring center where alerts are triggered upon specified events or their absence, responded to by a 24-hour dispatch service.

  • Additionally, it offers the capability to immediately forward events and alerts to designated personnel defined by the employer.


This solution allows businesses to significantly reduce monitoring and administrative costs while providing credible reports and electronic proof of service for subcontractors and clients.


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