The sixth module of MONITORINGBOOK PRO, VEHICLE TRACKING, has been completed

Zoltán Havasi

Founder of MOHAnet, IoT Expert

Post Date: 2024. 03. 25


The sixth module of MONITORINGBOOK PRO, VEHICLE TRACKING, has been completed



Vehicle Tracking? A Dime a Dozen.

Perhaps that’s the first thing that comes to mind for many of us.

We were no different, but a few years ago we decided to discontinue our separate remote monitoring desktop applications, including vehicle tracking. Instead, we created a unified, cloud-based monitoring platform where all our past and future applications could operate side by side within a single system, yet as independent modules. This solution enables the remote monitoring service provider to reduce the operational risks arising from heterogeneous technical infrastructures of various remote monitoring systems and significantly optimize the number of personnel supporting operations (system administrators, dispatchers).


Before starting the development of the Vehicle Tracking module, we conducted a preliminary review of our previous application to determine the true purpose of the new product, its target audience, and the future business perspectives for users, based on different viewpoints.


I would be lying if I said we have perfectly mapped out all customer needs by now and considered them for the redevelopment of the application. However, I can confidently say that we have learned a lot from the operational experiences, customer feedback, and mistakes made during development over the past years. Compared to the previous version, our current vehicle tracking solution offers significantly easier access, simpler and more flexible use, greater functionality, and a cleaner user interface for both existing and future users.


The primary goal of the development was to provide central management for the deployment units of remote monitoring service providers and continuous tracking of their vehicle movements. Our secondary goal was the real-time logging and professional documentation of the data generated from vehicle movements and related activities, which will soon be linkable to measures taken in response to various incidents.


Naturally, thanks to the cloud-based, modular platform and different levels of access permissions, vehicle tracking as a service can also be extended to the remote monitoring service provider's customer base. This way, the customer will be able to manage and easily track their vehicle alongside their alarm or even another remote monitoring application within a single system, facilitated by a web interface and a mobile application.


The service provider can create users, companies, company groups, vehicles, and vehicle groups within the software, and assign various access levels to these. In an overview mode, map-based display is available for one or more vehicles. Trip logs, in addition to map visualization, can also be presented in graphical and list views. In the latter case, there is an option to separate private and business trips and export the separated data accordingly, which is of significant importance for operational flexibility.


Vehicle Tracking is the 6th module of MONITORINGBOOK PRO. It not only tracks the whereabouts and movements of vehicles but can also receive and display telemetry data from various sensors.


In summary, our vehicle tracking solution is designed for remote monitoring service providers with response units who need the same software interface for managing alarms from their clients’ security systems, related measures, and deployment management. Secondly, it is also designed for the current and future customers of remote monitoring service providers who want to track and manage their alarm systems, vehicles, or other remote monitoring applications from a single system.


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